Subject: Muchas Español
Well this week we didn´t have any apostle come speak to us. It was quite the bummer seeming how we have basically had one every week while I´ve been here in the MTC, but the good news is that this weekend is conference. Im so pumped to be able to just sit back and to listen to all the things that are going to be taught. Conference really is an amazing time. Hopefully everyone will be taking notes and trying to remember a lot of the things that are being talked about. If the things that are being spoken are really from God, then why wouldn´t we want to listen to them, apply them to ourselves, and remember them as well. I was basically a regular week in the MTC. I was able to continue teaching my investigators, and learning more about the gospel. I was also able to get back into my weight lifting routine which was quite nice, got to stay ripped somehow. Jajajaja. On monday we found out that one of our teachers wasn´t going to be our teacher anymore because he is now going to be heading off an important project. I guess there is no written books, for native spanish speakers that would help them in learning portuguese for there missions, so he is going to start compiling a book for them. Kinda cool but it sucks that he will not be our teacher anymore. We got a new teacher, Sister Edwards she went to Paruguay (don´t now how to spell it) on her mission and so far she is a really good teacher. Our speaker this week was Don R. Clarke of the seventy. He talked to us mostly about how to become better missionaries, it was a good talk.
So what is going on back home? Is Bryson still playing football? Keyton did you get my spanish letter?
Welll i don't really have any time left, just know that I love you all, and will talk to you soon
Con Amor
Elder Mooré
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Elder Corbin Moore-- September 28, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Elder Matthew Whittle-- Sept. 26, 2011
Hola mi madre Bonita!
todo bien! I got your letter. Thanks. My letter got demolished eh? that's interesting. Did you ever end up getting my plastic knife I put in it? haha I hope so. mui comico. Prison break haha good analogy. Ya I read Elder Terry's email. I hope he's doing ok too. I'll keep him in my prayers. That is one of the funniest things I've ever heard Braxton say. I can't wait to here more stories about that stud. Thanks for sending me so many packages. I love them. They make my days. I probably don't need more food though for the rest of my life haha. And don't worry the spongebob shirt has been worn quite often with confidence. I can't wait to hear from the General athourities of the church this weekend. I love listening to them. They have such a strong testimony, and it strengthens mine when I get to listen to them. I've learned so much about the Gospel, and my Savior while I've been here. I now know the meaning of "feasting upon the words of Christ" I love it! It's better than thanksgiving dinner haha. I take notes at devotionals, and study like a mad man now and I wish I would have been doing this more before my mission.
Elder Ballard told us here at the MTC two weeks ago. If you are having a hard time in life, or are depressed get a small picture of the Savior and carry it with you everywhere you go. When it get's hard or you're feeling depressed take a minute to think about it and realize that Christ understands how we are feeling. We have to be willing to do hard things because Jesus Christ has done harder. So I think I agree with you on that.
It's so weird that I'm on week seven in the MTC already. Time is flying by, which is a good thing in a way haha. I love the spirit here but after a while it get's old role playing. It makes you want to get out and do it for real. I can't wait! . I can't wait for Garret to get his mission call. I'm so proud of him. He's going to be able to help so many people. He will be able to relate to a lot of great trials, and be able to help people overcome them. Tell trudy I love him please. Also tell TJ and Cho the same thing please. Thanks mom. I hope everything is still on for the wedding;) haha Chiste. I bet it's going just great. Tell Meg and Jordan that I love them, and buenos suerte haha
So the other day my companion and I did our first lesson for new investigadors. It was really neat experience because we were going to teach them about the restoration, but when we started teaching we both had the feeling that we needed to talk more about the Holy Ghost and how to recieve answers. As we did this we talked about how the Spirit answers us, and the feelings we get from the spirit. (All in Espanol of course) We then talked about how we could recieve answers about the Book of Mormon. The spirit came very very strong, and my companion and I both had the feeling that we needed to challenge them to Baptism. It was so awesome. We challenged them and they accepted immediately. We also challenged them to read the Book of Mormon and pray to know if it was the word of God. I think that's the strongest I've felt the spirit during role playing. It's hard to feel it when you know it's fake, but that time it was almost real. I can't wait to have those experiences out in the field.
Well I hope you have a great week! "The choice is yours";) I like that quote by the way. Tell everyone at home I love them and pray for them everyday. Thanks for being the greatest mom in the world. I love you and miss you too! Vaya con Dios!
Love Elder Whittle
todo bien! I got your letter. Thanks. My letter got demolished eh? that's interesting. Did you ever end up getting my plastic knife I put in it? haha I hope so. mui comico. Prison break haha good analogy. Ya I read Elder Terry's email. I hope he's doing ok too. I'll keep him in my prayers. That is one of the funniest things I've ever heard Braxton say. I can't wait to here more stories about that stud. Thanks for sending me so many packages. I love them. They make my days. I probably don't need more food though for the rest of my life haha. And don't worry the spongebob shirt has been worn quite often with confidence. I can't wait to hear from the General athourities of the church this weekend. I love listening to them. They have such a strong testimony, and it strengthens mine when I get to listen to them. I've learned so much about the Gospel, and my Savior while I've been here. I now know the meaning of "feasting upon the words of Christ" I love it! It's better than thanksgiving dinner haha. I take notes at devotionals, and study like a mad man now and I wish I would have been doing this more before my mission.
Elder Ballard told us here at the MTC two weeks ago. If you are having a hard time in life, or are depressed get a small picture of the Savior and carry it with you everywhere you go. When it get's hard or you're feeling depressed take a minute to think about it and realize that Christ understands how we are feeling. We have to be willing to do hard things because Jesus Christ has done harder. So I think I agree with you on that.
It's so weird that I'm on week seven in the MTC already. Time is flying by, which is a good thing in a way haha. I love the spirit here but after a while it get's old role playing. It makes you want to get out and do it for real. I can't wait! . I can't wait for Garret to get his mission call. I'm so proud of him. He's going to be able to help so many people. He will be able to relate to a lot of great trials, and be able to help people overcome them. Tell trudy I love him please. Also tell TJ and Cho the same thing please. Thanks mom. I hope everything is still on for the wedding;) haha Chiste. I bet it's going just great. Tell Meg and Jordan that I love them, and buenos suerte haha
So the other day my companion and I did our first lesson for new investigadors. It was really neat experience because we were going to teach them about the restoration, but when we started teaching we both had the feeling that we needed to talk more about the Holy Ghost and how to recieve answers. As we did this we talked about how the Spirit answers us, and the feelings we get from the spirit. (All in Espanol of course) We then talked about how we could recieve answers about the Book of Mormon. The spirit came very very strong, and my companion and I both had the feeling that we needed to challenge them to Baptism. It was so awesome. We challenged them and they accepted immediately. We also challenged them to read the Book of Mormon and pray to know if it was the word of God. I think that's the strongest I've felt the spirit during role playing. It's hard to feel it when you know it's fake, but that time it was almost real. I can't wait to have those experiences out in the field.
Well I hope you have a great week! "The choice is yours";) I like that quote by the way. Tell everyone at home I love them and pray for them everyday. Thanks for being the greatest mom in the world. I love you and miss you too! Vaya con Dios!
Love Elder Whittle
Elder Josh Terry--September 26, 2011
Hey everyone!
Its been another week.. crazy how fast the weeks go by and how slow the days go. i love it out here but i am definatly excited for christmas and things where i can hear your voices and see you all. :) so mom to answer your list of questions.. :) my health is okay. im still a little sick... i got my eyes checked and they said that they are almost perfect so they dont think that is the problem.. however them being off a little might be. so as of now i dont need to get contacts! that was some really good news. the bad news was i still didnt have any idea what the sickness was. I went to the doctor and he said i have a pretty good sinus infection. so i think that could contribute quite a bit. also i talked to another member and he said when he first moved here he got sinus headaches from allergies to something that was only in minnesota.. he described to me the exact symptoms of everything that i have been feeling. so i think that might be it. im going to go get some claritan stuff or whatever its called to see if that will help any. but im honestly doing okay, its hard to work all day bein real sick but ill be fine. so dont worry about it :) My comps favorite colors are red, dark blue and yes he likes paisley. yes i did get the calendar that you sent. it is pretty funny! haha
So, our lessons have been going pretty well. we have two people that are pretty golden and some others that the lord will have to work on a little more. the first ones name is lynch. He is such a nice guy. he has gone through a divorce recently but has full custody of his kids. so thats good. but we have taught him the restoration and part of the plan of salvation. he is really understanding it. He is the type of person that has been searching for the gospel his whole life. The spirit that we felt there as we were teaching made it all worth it to be out here. i think that he will make it. the next ones name is tim. He is a friend of one of the guys in the ward. he is 19 or 20. i feel really bad for him. when he was little he got ran over by a car so his legs are really messed up. what comfort it could bring to him to know that in the next life his body will be restored and he will be able to run around and be free of that trial. we taught him last night and he committed to reading the book of mormon. he said he would read a chapter or 2 a day until we met next. so i really hope that holds true.
Before i forget i have to tell you a story about last Thursday. This less active lady in our ward asked us if we would come and dedicate her home that she just moved into, so we agreed and headed over. well we got there about an hour early so we decided to tract for an hour. This is the story of Tulip Street. its in a part of town that is just below middle class. not to bad. So we walk up to the first house and they answer the door and its this black guy in just his underwear. before we could even say anything he told us to come on in and talk. . anyone who has been tracting knows that this is rare so we ran in. we sit down and we get talking and after like 5 minutes of talking he tells us he is a member of the church he just hasnt gone for years. It was crazy. He had somehow slipped through the cracks and was forgotten. but we found him and he agreed to let us come and teach him all the lessons again and to teach some of his family that hadnt heard the gosped. he is a nice guy. so we leave his house and start walking to the next house. there is this lady goin for a nice powerwalk so we stopped her and started to talk. she accepted our card, but then my comp said " we believe that throught the prophet joseph smith god has revealed more scripture" and before he could finish she chucked the card at his face and said that God would never do that and ran off. i was absolutely shocked at how rude a "christian" would be towards that. oh well. we moved on to the house we were going to and in the window it was painted all sorts of bright colors.... yup they were gay. needless to say they told us to leave and didn't want anything to do with our church.
Then we knocked the next door.... And this is where we get the story of Lennart Larsen.... So we knock on the door and he comes out wearing a robe.. just a robe. and some moccasins, and holding a bowl of some kind of soup. so he walks out and says "hey your lookin sharp what are you sellin" haha we told him we were the missionaries and he told us a story of when he was young his mom would always yell for all the lights to be turned off and everyone hide when the missionaries knock on their door. ohh by the way lennart is like 60. he is all stumbling around i swear he had just taken meds or was drunk or something. but he started talking and forgot he was holding his bowl of soup and it slowly poured all over his feet and he had no idea because he wasnt all there at the time (i think) then he leans up against the door and as he is talking his eyes glaze over and he falls asleep mid sentence. i couldn't help but laugh. i honestly lost it and started laughing. eventually we did the loud clear our throat thing and he woke up and continued talkin like he had never fallen asleep. wierdest thing i have ever seen! well we gave him a book of mormon and a restoration pamphlet and he gave us his card, and we left. we decided that we shouldn't knock any more doors on that street. they were all crazy! so we went and dedicated the sharps home and left :) that was a good experience. another interesting thing happened. we were driving down the road and we passed this car that was on fire in the middle of the road. . the people were all safely out of it thank goodness but i have a few pictures ill try to attach to this email..
That was all probably to much information but it was a really funny day. Nate and natalie thank you for the emails. you are all awesome. some of the funny words you use :) haha anyways yes nate i do remember that part of Hot Rod and that will be the first thing that i do to you when i get home! haha dont let me forget. thank you everyone for all the emails that you have sent me it means so much to me! nate and nat i will get you your letters as soon as they get here. :) i had a couple interesting thoughts that are random but i liked them from study today. so ill share a few
"Character is not developed in moments of great challenge or temptation, that is when it is intended to be used"
"Humility isnt thinking less OF ourselves, it is thinking less ABOUT ourselves."
"Happiness isnt getting something, its becoming something"
i wont bore you with all the other quotes ive found that i really like but i wanted to end with a story i read this morning. I was reading about Abinidi. He went and told the whole city that they would die if they didn't change there ways, and eventually they all killed him. When he died he must have thought that he didn't make a difference, seeing as they put him to death. but alma was converted. basically thats a long story short but as a missionary that story really helps me. as we are out here we get made fun of and looked down upon and some days feel like we didn't make a difference. but we dont always know the influences that we have left on people, even if it is just planting seeds. I love how though he only converted one person look what came from it. We really need to put it in perspective that even if you only effect one persons life, think of all the peoples lives that they will effect. its an on going chain. i regret that i didnt share this gospel with other people back home. i challenge you to do so. find ways that you can help bring other people unto christ. as it says in DC 16:6 the thing that will be of the most worth unto you in this life will be to bring others unto christ. i want to leave my testimony with you that this is true. the happiness that you feel when you see someone come unto christ is incredible. well i have to go but i love you all and i hope to hear from you this week! stay strong in your faith.
Its been another week.. crazy how fast the weeks go by and how slow the days go. i love it out here but i am definatly excited for christmas and things where i can hear your voices and see you all. :) so mom to answer your list of questions.. :) my health is okay. im still a little sick... i got my eyes checked and they said that they are almost perfect so they dont think that is the problem.. however them being off a little might be. so as of now i dont need to get contacts! that was some really good news. the bad news was i still didnt have any idea what the sickness was. I went to the doctor and he said i have a pretty good sinus infection. so i think that could contribute quite a bit. also i talked to another member and he said when he first moved here he got sinus headaches from allergies to something that was only in minnesota.. he described to me the exact symptoms of everything that i have been feeling. so i think that might be it. im going to go get some claritan stuff or whatever its called to see if that will help any. but im honestly doing okay, its hard to work all day bein real sick but ill be fine. so dont worry about it :) My comps favorite colors are red, dark blue and yes he likes paisley. yes i did get the calendar that you sent. it is pretty funny! haha
So, our lessons have been going pretty well. we have two people that are pretty golden and some others that the lord will have to work on a little more. the first ones name is lynch. He is such a nice guy. he has gone through a divorce recently but has full custody of his kids. so thats good. but we have taught him the restoration and part of the plan of salvation. he is really understanding it. He is the type of person that has been searching for the gospel his whole life. The spirit that we felt there as we were teaching made it all worth it to be out here. i think that he will make it. the next ones name is tim. He is a friend of one of the guys in the ward. he is 19 or 20. i feel really bad for him. when he was little he got ran over by a car so his legs are really messed up. what comfort it could bring to him to know that in the next life his body will be restored and he will be able to run around and be free of that trial. we taught him last night and he committed to reading the book of mormon. he said he would read a chapter or 2 a day until we met next. so i really hope that holds true.
Before i forget i have to tell you a story about last Thursday. This less active lady in our ward asked us if we would come and dedicate her home that she just moved into, so we agreed and headed over. well we got there about an hour early so we decided to tract for an hour. This is the story of Tulip Street. its in a part of town that is just below middle class. not to bad. So we walk up to the first house and they answer the door and its this black guy in just his underwear. before we could even say anything he told us to come on in and talk. . anyone who has been tracting knows that this is rare so we ran in. we sit down and we get talking and after like 5 minutes of talking he tells us he is a member of the church he just hasnt gone for years. It was crazy. He had somehow slipped through the cracks and was forgotten. but we found him and he agreed to let us come and teach him all the lessons again and to teach some of his family that hadnt heard the gosped. he is a nice guy. so we leave his house and start walking to the next house. there is this lady goin for a nice powerwalk so we stopped her and started to talk. she accepted our card, but then my comp said " we believe that throught the prophet joseph smith god has revealed more scripture" and before he could finish she chucked the card at his face and said that God would never do that and ran off. i was absolutely shocked at how rude a "christian" would be towards that. oh well. we moved on to the house we were going to and in the window it was painted all sorts of bright colors.... yup they were gay. needless to say they told us to leave and didn't want anything to do with our church.
Then we knocked the next door.... And this is where we get the story of Lennart Larsen.... So we knock on the door and he comes out wearing a robe.. just a robe. and some moccasins, and holding a bowl of some kind of soup. so he walks out and says "hey your lookin sharp what are you sellin" haha we told him we were the missionaries and he told us a story of when he was young his mom would always yell for all the lights to be turned off and everyone hide when the missionaries knock on their door. ohh by the way lennart is like 60. he is all stumbling around i swear he had just taken meds or was drunk or something. but he started talking and forgot he was holding his bowl of soup and it slowly poured all over his feet and he had no idea because he wasnt all there at the time (i think) then he leans up against the door and as he is talking his eyes glaze over and he falls asleep mid sentence. i couldn't help but laugh. i honestly lost it and started laughing. eventually we did the loud clear our throat thing and he woke up and continued talkin like he had never fallen asleep. wierdest thing i have ever seen! well we gave him a book of mormon and a restoration pamphlet and he gave us his card, and we left. we decided that we shouldn't knock any more doors on that street. they were all crazy! so we went and dedicated the sharps home and left :) that was a good experience. another interesting thing happened. we were driving down the road and we passed this car that was on fire in the middle of the road. . the people were all safely out of it thank goodness but i have a few pictures ill try to attach to this email..
That was all probably to much information but it was a really funny day. Nate and natalie thank you for the emails. you are all awesome. some of the funny words you use :) haha anyways yes nate i do remember that part of Hot Rod and that will be the first thing that i do to you when i get home! haha dont let me forget. thank you everyone for all the emails that you have sent me it means so much to me! nate and nat i will get you your letters as soon as they get here. :) i had a couple interesting thoughts that are random but i liked them from study today. so ill share a few
"Character is not developed in moments of great challenge or temptation, that is when it is intended to be used"
"Humility isnt thinking less OF ourselves, it is thinking less ABOUT ourselves."
"Happiness isnt getting something, its becoming something"
i wont bore you with all the other quotes ive found that i really like but i wanted to end with a story i read this morning. I was reading about Abinidi. He went and told the whole city that they would die if they didn't change there ways, and eventually they all killed him. When he died he must have thought that he didn't make a difference, seeing as they put him to death. but alma was converted. basically thats a long story short but as a missionary that story really helps me. as we are out here we get made fun of and looked down upon and some days feel like we didn't make a difference. but we dont always know the influences that we have left on people, even if it is just planting seeds. I love how though he only converted one person look what came from it. We really need to put it in perspective that even if you only effect one persons life, think of all the peoples lives that they will effect. its an on going chain. i regret that i didnt share this gospel with other people back home. i challenge you to do so. find ways that you can help bring other people unto christ. as it says in DC 16:6 the thing that will be of the most worth unto you in this life will be to bring others unto christ. i want to leave my testimony with you that this is true. the happiness that you feel when you see someone come unto christ is incredible. well i have to go but i love you all and i hope to hear from you this week! stay strong in your faith.
Elder Hartvigsen--September 26, 2011
Hey everyone! sorry it has taken me so long to figure out that i need to hit "reply to all" haha (thanks dad) anyways its the last week of this transfer and its crazy how fast time goes on! i went on exchanges with my zone leader elder dallin johnson on saturday. it was really crazy cause we both went to davis, and never really knew eachother, and now all of a sudden we are with eachother so much preaching the gospel. he is a great missionary and a great example! this week has been pretty hard, but i guess that some are harder than others. i hope everyone is doing ok at home, i am doing pretty good here. im almost guaranteed to stay in this area cause of this 12 week training program. its super itense and fast paced, but i also have learned a ton! we have an investigator we are teaching who is like 6 foot 10, he looks like goliath, but he has the softest heart, i have developed a very strong love for the people here, and especially this guy. he is so in tune with the spirit, and it seems that he is the one teaching me. he has a baptismal date for the 22 of october. his family is going through some hard times right now. his daughter is a meth addict, and they are too poor to get her good treatment. he had been praying for an answer, and for help. well they sent an email to this tv show called intervention (which is a really big tv show) and out of the thousands of emails i guess they looked at his, and picked their family for an episode of intervention. i guess on the show, they give out like 20 thousand dollars worth of treatment for free. so daughter will be able to get the treatment she needs. it is just a huge miracle and an answer to prayers. it is such a testimony builder to me that if we pray sincerly, god will answer us. i have seen it so many times in my own life just being out in the mission field. anyways i hope everyone knows how much i love them! stay strong, thank you for all the support!
-Elder Hartvigsen
-Elder Hartvigsen
Sister Alex Hartvigsen--Sept. 26, 2011
Message bodyDear family, I hope everything is going really well for you. This week has been really good. This week has been really good. We had a lesson with one of our investigators. We taught her about the hope that the gospel brings into our lives. We had a lesson with a women and we also taught her about hope and faith. The Spirit was very strong as we talked about how we can trust in the Savior in all things. We met with a women and watched Finding Faith in Christ with her and her two daughters . We read in Moroni 7 with her about Faith, hope and charity and talked about how we can feel get strength from the Savior. On Friday our ward had a talent show that we were invited to come to. Our Bishop loves having us at these ward activities because many people come and invite their friends and it is a good way to meet people. Sister Beu sang I know that My Redeemer lives in Spanish. She did a really good job. It was a lot of fun and their was a good turnout of members and investigators. On Saturday we had a shift at the visitor's center until 6 and then we went to the last few minutes of the general relief society broadcast. It was really good and I'm excited to read the rest in next months Ensign.
It was a really good week. I am excited for this next week and the opportunity that we have to listen to general conference. The day after conference the church media initiative about will be starting here in the Phoenix area and we are expecting to see great results from this. Its going to be great.
I lvoe you all thank you for all you do.
Love Hermana Hartvigsen
It was a really good week. I am excited for this next week and the opportunity that we have to listen to general conference. The day after conference the church media initiative about will be starting here in the Phoenix area and we are expecting to see great results from this. Its going to be great.
I lvoe you all thank you for all you do.
Love Hermana Hartvigsen
Friday, September 23, 2011
Elder Tyler Hartvigsen--Sept. 21, 2011

Hey Everyone!!!
So again, sorry about last week being such a short email, i only had about 15 min. on the computer total, and i had to write my mission president! so guess what?? i had my first baptism yesterday!! i was able to baptise this girl named kaitey, i taught her the very first day i got here. she is so strong in the gospel, she reminds me alot of you mom, because none of her family are members, and yet she is so strong in the gospel, and she has such a strong desire to follow christ. its been a really great week. we have about 5 people on date for baptism next month, and we are very excited about it. baptising kaitey yesterday was one of the best experiences for me. i wish you all could have beent there! but the pictures will just have to do. ;) i am so happy to have this opportunity to be a missionary. it is such a privlege to be a tool in the hands of the lord. fergs i got all your letters and its so great to hear from you all! i loved the pictures. janice and abbey, i got your letters too, thank you all so much!! brooke, going on a mission is something you would never regret doing! if you pray about it, i know that you'll get an answer, i prayed very hard about going on a mission, and i got the strongest answer ever that i needed to go! this has been one of the best decisions i have ever made, i am so happy to be out here, and i have already learned so much! i feel like a new person! i love reading the scriptures now! haha i finished the book of mormon in exactly one month, and now im reading it over again, as well as the new testament. i love it here so much, and i love you all! stevie, im sorry about the elbow man, you have been in my prayers! tj, thats cool that your taking an EMT course, well i guess you might be, haha that is very cool though! i went to this members house the other day, and he had SOOOO many guns, he had over 40, he showed them all to me and my companion, i was just drooling over them! haha he had a legit reloading set up as well, it was really cool. haha anyways i hope everyone knows that i love them, and i appreciate all of the support, i'll talk to everyone in a week!
-Elder Hartvigsen
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Sister Alex Hartvigsen--Sept 21, 2011

Dear family, This last week has been a really good one.. On Tuesday we met with an investigator with whom we have been meeting for a while. We went with a member. We talked about the importance of the Book of Mormon and how we can gain a testimony for ourselves.Yesterday we were also able to meet with her and we talked to her about the Christlike attribute of Faith. . We then had an appointment with a really cool family. We talked to them about the Restoration and how they can find out for themselves the truth of our message. we talked about recognizing answers to prayers. they have really been prepared to hear our message. They have been meeting with the Jehovah's witnesses for a while but they do not agree with many of their teachings. When we stopped by yesterday there were the Jehovah's witnesses there so we were not able to set up another appointment then but we are going to call them and set one up for this week. On Thursday we were able to have a lesson in a members home with one of our investigator's . We taught the Doctrine of Christ using 2nd Nephi 31. She has been getting some really good fellowship in the wards that she has been attending. On Friday we met with a less active family at the Visitor's Center. We talked about the importance of family. All the family wants their father to attend church with them but he is being stubborn. The wife has asked us to give them the member presentations in hopes of helping her husband feel the Spirit and want to come back to church. We have also been meeting with our members and helping them prepare for the upcoming media initiative. This last week in my personal study I was able to finish the Book of Mormon in Spanish. It has been my goal to do this by my birthday and I was able to do it. This is the 3rd time in my life that I have read it in Spanish but defiantely the shortest time doing it. I love the Book of Mormon! I have gained a stronger testimony of the power of this book and has helped me to know the scriptures better. It has also helped my Spanish improve significantly. My Birthday was really good. We got up and played soccer at 6am as a district. As we were walking out of our apartment we discovered that some other missionaries had decorated the outside of our front door for my birthday. It was fun. after we got ready for the day we went to district meeting. It was a really good meeting and we talked about charity as well as the importance of teaching people not lessons. The spirit was really stong as we talked and learned together. After district meeting we went to the Visitor's center because the Elder and Sister White each month do a birthday lunch/ departure lunch and it just happened to be scheduled on my birthday. It was fun. We went up to Scottsdale and went to the California Pizza Kitchen. After we made it back to the Visitors center I was assigned to make phone calls. I have not had a lot of success of phones recently but as a center we have all been challenged to be more diligent on our phone calls. We always start with a prayer. I prayed that I would be able to talke to at least one person who would accept meeting with missionaries. The very first person I called accepted. It made me really happy. During our dinner break, Sister Beu called me out to the front greet area. There waiting for me was one of my favorite families in our ward. They had brought me tres leches cake. I love this family. They were baptized back in January an are now one of the rocks in our ward. They are so supportive of missionary work. I have really fallen in love with them since I have been here. It was a really good day. On Thursday we were invited to a members home for dinner and to celebrate Mexico's independence day. It was their son's birthday as well. Part of a Mexican birthday involves getting your face smashed into tres leches cake. They did that to their son and then they also did it to me because it was my birthday the day before. ( enjoy the pictures) On Friday we had a mission tour with Elder Choi of the Seventy. we were in meetings with him from 9 am till 4 pm. It was really good. He talked about the importance of building friendships with our members, investigators, companions and especially with the Savior. I was able to learn alot that I am excited to use in my area. As part of the tour, 3 or 4 missionaries were selected to have a personal interview with him. I was on of them. It was really cool. We talked about my family and what my experiences so far as a missionary. He promised that I would be blessed as a result of my mission and that the rest of my family would be blessed as well. I really enjoyed that opportunity to meet with him.
On Saturday we got our transfer news. I'm staying with Sister Beu and we are still in our area. At the end of this next transfer (6weeks) I will have been in this ward for 9 months. I love this ward and the people and I am grateful that I can continue to serve here. Its been a really good week!. I love you all. Thank you so much for all your support.
Love Hermana Hartvigsen
Elder Corbin Moore---Sept. 22, 2011
Subject: El Libro De Mormon
Well this week has been pretty great. Last Thursday all the missionaries in the MTC, were given a copy of the new Ensign that hasn't even been released yet. It is such an amazing issue of the Ensign. The whole thing is about one specific topic, and the topic is the Book of Mormon. What an amazing book, it is so essential to our gospel. It is the keystone of our religion. Im so thankful for the opportunity that I have had to read it. The contents are so useful to someone of our day and age. To those that are reading this, I would invite you to read it if you have not already, or to re-read it. The Book of Mormon is so important to our gospel, it teachs of the doctrines of Christ and his message for us in our day. Hopefully you guys will soon have the new ensign also, it is so good. So all the missionaries got a copy of it, and we were also told that we would be having something special having for the tuesday devotional about it. So tuesday arrived and we were able to hear a talk from Russell M Nelson, of the quarom of the twelve, its so crazy that they haven't had apostles here at the MTC since May, and then when i get here, 3 out of the 4 devotional are all apostles. I love it so much, jajaja. Well Russell M. Nelson spoke about the book of mormon, and gave a lot of numbers on it. I am a number person, so it was nice to know how many different languages it has been translated into, and how many copies have been distributed stuff like that. Overall it was an amazing talk. Well no tengo mucho tiempo pero, i just wanted to say I loved hearing the Utah beat BYU. jajajaja. Even though i like both schools. Dad the language is coming along pretty good, today im going to try to only speak spanish. Max Pickett is in my zone, and ive also seen Tanner Webb and a bunch of people from my school. Mom I didn't have to show my insurance card at the doctors office, it was all good. Just paid to co-pay and paid for the meds, im doing a lot better health wise now. I sorry to hear that the basement flooded, but as i alsways say life will go on. Its funny to hear that my back tire was flat because I had a nail in the back hahah. wonder how that happened. I don't think that there are doing an MTC choir for conference, but im so pumped to be able to listen to conference, hopefully you guys are too. Have certain questions you want answered in mind, and then listen for the answers to those questions. I was nice to get the wedding invitation, for Megan and Jordan. I sincerely love both of them, and am so happy for them. Bernie thanks for the letter, my letter to you is on its way. Keyton haven't heard much from you, what is going on. Take some time out of the time you play video games and write me fool. jajaja. Well that about it for today talk to you all next week. Love you all
Amore Elder Moore
Well this week has been pretty great. Last Thursday all the missionaries in the MTC, were given a copy of the new Ensign that hasn't even been released yet. It is such an amazing issue of the Ensign. The whole thing is about one specific topic, and the topic is the Book of Mormon. What an amazing book, it is so essential to our gospel. It is the keystone of our religion. Im so thankful for the opportunity that I have had to read it. The contents are so useful to someone of our day and age. To those that are reading this, I would invite you to read it if you have not already, or to re-read it. The Book of Mormon is so important to our gospel, it teachs of the doctrines of Christ and his message for us in our day. Hopefully you guys will soon have the new ensign also, it is so good. So all the missionaries got a copy of it, and we were also told that we would be having something special having for the tuesday devotional about it. So tuesday arrived and we were able to hear a talk from Russell M Nelson, of the quarom of the twelve, its so crazy that they haven't had apostles here at the MTC since May, and then when i get here, 3 out of the 4 devotional are all apostles. I love it so much, jajaja. Well Russell M. Nelson spoke about the book of mormon, and gave a lot of numbers on it. I am a number person, so it was nice to know how many different languages it has been translated into, and how many copies have been distributed stuff like that. Overall it was an amazing talk. Well no tengo mucho tiempo pero, i just wanted to say I loved hearing the Utah beat BYU. jajajaja. Even though i like both schools. Dad the language is coming along pretty good, today im going to try to only speak spanish. Max Pickett is in my zone, and ive also seen Tanner Webb and a bunch of people from my school. Mom I didn't have to show my insurance card at the doctors office, it was all good. Just paid to co-pay and paid for the meds, im doing a lot better health wise now. I sorry to hear that the basement flooded, but as i alsways say life will go on. Its funny to hear that my back tire was flat because I had a nail in the back hahah. wonder how that happened. I don't think that there are doing an MTC choir for conference, but im so pumped to be able to listen to conference, hopefully you guys are too. Have certain questions you want answered in mind, and then listen for the answers to those questions. I was nice to get the wedding invitation, for Megan and Jordan. I sincerely love both of them, and am so happy for them. Bernie thanks for the letter, my letter to you is on its way. Keyton haven't heard much from you, what is going on. Take some time out of the time you play video games and write me fool. jajaja. Well that about it for today talk to you all next week. Love you all
Amore Elder Moore
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
Elder Matthew Whittle--September 19, 2011
O my that's so good for Trudy Booty! Tell him he's making the best decision of his life! I'm so proud of him. Will you tell cho to tell his mom that I love her, and miss her. And cho of course too. They're such great people. Yes I got my three packages. Thank you! That was really nice to get those, and the cologne was a nice surprise, but even better was the picture of you and I. It's sitting on my desk in my residence. I see it every night and every morning. The MTC president talked to us last night and said to always remember that your mother back home is kneeling down each night praying for you. Thank you so much mom! I love you, and am so grateful that I have the best mother, and the most legit, haha in the whole world. You are my hero in life. I want you to know that. Elder Moore is doing good. It's really nice to see him. I stopped by at his residence last night and talked to him for a while. He's doing great. And he seems to be doing fine with the language as well. I can't believe I only have 4 weeks left. It's pretty crazy though, but I'm definitely excited to get going out in the field. We aren't singing at conference, :( but I'm really excited to watch it! It's going to be so great. La Idioma es Muy Bien! Our distrito has only been speaking espanol, every day for the past two weeks. If someone doesn't know Espanol that we are talking to then our companion es allowed to translate into english, but we still have to talk in spanish. It's great. I have to go now, but I will try and write you more today. I love you mom, and can't wait to give you one of my long obnoxious;) hugs again haha. Te AMO!!!!!!!!
I didn't have time to send that letter yet but I will get it sent today. We stay very busy all the time. It's really good. Elder M. Russel Ballard came and spoke to us this week. It was amazing to hear from another apostle of the Lord, and this Tuesday we think it might possibly be Elder David A. Bednar. I'm really excited for that. My companion is great. He's a very obedient hard working elder. I'm very blessed to have him as a companion. Our district is small, 4 hermanas, and 4 elders. It's a really good distrito though. Very spiritual, and we are able to help eachother learn a lot. I'm glad your arm is healing up ok. I know I'm not fluent in the language or anything, but for the past two weeks straight my companion and I have only been speaking espanol. It's difficult sometimes, but our teacher said that were about two weeks ahead of where we normally would be, so I think we're doing our best that we can. Be safe in Michigan. I hope that everything is going great. The worth of souls is great in the sight of God. Thanks for everything. Te amo.
-Elder Whittle
Vaya con Dios!
ps thanks for the pictures of Cherry. I like them a lot
I didn't have time to send that letter yet but I will get it sent today. We stay very busy all the time. It's really good. Elder M. Russel Ballard came and spoke to us this week. It was amazing to hear from another apostle of the Lord, and this Tuesday we think it might possibly be Elder David A. Bednar. I'm really excited for that. My companion is great. He's a very obedient hard working elder. I'm very blessed to have him as a companion. Our district is small, 4 hermanas, and 4 elders. It's a really good distrito though. Very spiritual, and we are able to help eachother learn a lot. I'm glad your arm is healing up ok. I know I'm not fluent in the language or anything, but for the past two weeks straight my companion and I have only been speaking espanol. It's difficult sometimes, but our teacher said that were about two weeks ahead of where we normally would be, so I think we're doing our best that we can. Be safe in Michigan. I hope that everything is going great. The worth of souls is great in the sight of God. Thanks for everything. Te amo.
-Elder Whittle
Vaya con Dios!
ps thanks for the pictures of Cherry. I like them a lot
Elder Josh Terry--September 19, 2011

The story at the end of the letter refers to a sign on the restroom door at the MTC that refers to closing the facility due to the "vandalism". I have attached a picture of the sign as well as the "criminal" involved - and no, it was not Josh. I'm thinking maybe he didn't explain to building maintenance what happened?.....
Also, I've separated his email into paragraphs and added capital letters at the beginning of sentences for easier reading - but tried to maintain the "flavor" of Josh's writing. :) ---Stephanie
How are you all doing on this fine day?? Weather here in minnesota is great. I was shocked to find out that 40 degrees here and 40 degrees in Utah are so different though. The humidity freezes straight through you. So I will definitely have to start putting on some layers come winter. Unfortunately the fall has kinda been skipped here. The first day i was here it was 90 degrees and the next day was down to 45. Hopefully we start to get more of a fall here soon.
Anyways, the work is coming along great. I spent some time at the doctors to try and get feeling better but i just feel sick still. I will have it all figured out soon enough and all will be well soon. So no worries there. It just starts to be frustrating because i just want to get out there and work more!
Well this week we have picked up a few investigators, which is great! We also recieved a referral and went to meet him on friday. He is such a good guy. I know that if he actually reads like he said he would then he will be baptized. He really has so much potential. So the events of tracting this week: we knocked an entire nieghborhood without one single door opening. The next we had guys answer with their shirts off- sometimes more. Ahhhh. We had someone yell that they dont want to buy any knives and slam the door. haha! there are just so many funny things that will happen as you are out tracting. You just have to not take anything personal when they slam the door in your face :)
I went to a baptism on saturday from some other area. That was awesome to go and see someone take that step. I hope to see that many times throughout my mission. Sorry that there isn't much news. I've been busy a lot with the doctor and stuff but i hope we can really pick things up in these upcoming weeks.
Mom i loved your package that is so funny! I wear that john deere shirt everynight to sleep. When we get packages here we just pick them up from the apartment so its really easy. I'm grateful for that. We have lots of member support here. Since we have been here the dinner calendar is completely full every week. the first week we only had about two but now we get lots. We have such a nice ward.
Mom either of those two things to send would be fine. I'm eating pretty good out here with all the members feeding us.
This week has been a really trying week on me. God is humbling me in so many ways. I have realized as I've been feeling sick these past few weeks that without God i really cant do much. It has really put that into perspective for me. Now i just hope that he sees that i have learned that and will let me get better!! :)
Tell grandma thank you for the message she sent. It means a lot. And i love that definition. When it gets hard out here you just have to look at the big picture and everything is fine. I truly do love it here and i know that when i am better i will even more so! Thank you for all you do.
Anyways I'm glad you got the SD card okay. I had to force it into the mail slot cuz it was so fat so i was a little worried it wouldn't make it. Oh and to clarify. The big one with glasses, the one in front of the door with the sign, is elder hemmelgarn. The story of that sign is that we were waiting outside of the bathroom for him and we hear this scream. so we go in and he apparently had gone number 1 (he specifically told us that) and flushed the toilet and it started to overflow, so he jumped backwards to not get it on his pants and shoes. And him being a big guy in a small stall, when he jumped back the door broke off. That is when we ran in to see him standing there over a broken out door with the toilet just flowing over. Funniest thing i had ever seen.
Anyways i need to go but i love you all so much. thank you for all you do and have done for me.

Thursday, September 15, 2011
Elder Moore-- Sept. 15, 2011
Subject: Insta-care :(
Well this past week has just flown by here in the MTC. On sunday i was singing in choir and I got this major pain in my ear so my companion and I went to the front desk, to see what could be going on. They put me on the phone with a doctor and I told him what was happening, he had the MTC personel bring me down into Provo the the insta-care place because he thought that i could have an ear infection. Well we went down there and turns out I did it was so annoyingly painful. On the brightside it was nice to get out of the MTC. jajajaja. We had to go to the pharmacy and get some meds and I couldn't help but think about always going to the pharmacy with mom to get hers. I returned home that night and tried to get as much sleep as i could but with no luck i laid in bed for the majority of the night. The next day I was not feeling good at all, so i just laid in bed all day. I sat there and studied the language a bunch, but what I did that surprised myself is that i started reading, Jesus the Christ by Talmage. Wow i didn't think that i would because i hate reading in the first place, and Talmage can be hard to understand, but with the limited free time that i have here in the MTC, im currently on page 150. jajajaj. Its such a good book, with some amazing insights on the life of the Savior. This tuesday was really awesome as well, for two reasons. First every sunday and tuesday i am able to see Elder Whittle for like two hours in chior, we sit next to each and remember all the good times that we have had. Second tuesdays are the devotional days, so we are able to hear from good speakers. It just so happens that this tuesday we were fortunate to hear from another apostle, Elder M. Russell Ballard. Its so amazing the spirit that the apostle bring, and the learning that can take place because of that atmosphere. That basically the highlights for my week, we are just continuing the teaching of investigators, and living the life of missionaries. Well whats new with everybody back home. I haven't heard much from you guys. Keyton and Bryson? Dad? Mom it was funny to hear about your experiences on Sunday. G and Sessa, sounds like you guys are doing good and are adapting to the new house. Well there really isn't much more to say, hope to hear from you all. God be with you till we meet again.
Amor Elder Moore
Well this past week has just flown by here in the MTC. On sunday i was singing in choir and I got this major pain in my ear so my companion and I went to the front desk, to see what could be going on. They put me on the phone with a doctor and I told him what was happening, he had the MTC personel bring me down into Provo the the insta-care place because he thought that i could have an ear infection. Well we went down there and turns out I did it was so annoyingly painful. On the brightside it was nice to get out of the MTC. jajajaja. We had to go to the pharmacy and get some meds and I couldn't help but think about always going to the pharmacy with mom to get hers. I returned home that night and tried to get as much sleep as i could but with no luck i laid in bed for the majority of the night. The next day I was not feeling good at all, so i just laid in bed all day. I sat there and studied the language a bunch, but what I did that surprised myself is that i started reading, Jesus the Christ by Talmage. Wow i didn't think that i would because i hate reading in the first place, and Talmage can be hard to understand, but with the limited free time that i have here in the MTC, im currently on page 150. jajajaj. Its such a good book, with some amazing insights on the life of the Savior. This tuesday was really awesome as well, for two reasons. First every sunday and tuesday i am able to see Elder Whittle for like two hours in chior, we sit next to each and remember all the good times that we have had. Second tuesdays are the devotional days, so we are able to hear from good speakers. It just so happens that this tuesday we were fortunate to hear from another apostle, Elder M. Russell Ballard. Its so amazing the spirit that the apostle bring, and the learning that can take place because of that atmosphere. That basically the highlights for my week, we are just continuing the teaching of investigators, and living the life of missionaries. Well whats new with everybody back home. I haven't heard much from you guys. Keyton and Bryson? Dad? Mom it was funny to hear about your experiences on Sunday. G and Sessa, sounds like you guys are doing good and are adapting to the new house. Well there really isn't much more to say, hope to hear from you all. God be with you till we meet again.
Amor Elder Moore
Monday, September 12, 2011
Elder Josh Terry-- September 12, 2011
We are shocked and amazed at the length and detail in his email! Angie Koski, that Josh refers to in this email, is the daughter of the ward mission leader in Clark's favorite mission area (28 years ago). Her husband is now the ward mission leader there in Virginia, MN, and her brother-in-law was made the ward mission leader a week ago yesterday in Andover, where Josh is serving. Josh had dinner at his home his first night in his first area. That was not a coincidence, but a tender mercy for both Josh and his poor, worry-prone mother! The next day he met Elder Smith who had been serving in Angie's ward - she has asked many people to keep an eye out for Josh. We feel very blessed to have this "insider information"!
I made it to minnesota safe and sound! I cannot explain how many wierd looks i have gotten here. i got off the plane and you wouldve thought i wasnt wearing clothes or something cuz EVERYBODY stares at you. After i talked to you at the airport i got on the plane. seemed to be the longest plane ride ever! i was so excited to go to minnesota but at the same time it was hard to make that step knowing how far im distancing myself from my family and friends. Odd thing is i have never felt closer to you all in my life. So just a quick message to nate and to natalie, DONT TAKE MOM AND DAD FOR GRANTED! I thought i loved and appreciated you before. My respect and love for you has grown so much since i have realized all that you do for us each day. mom with her taking care of us and a spotless house and dad with his selfless service working everyday to provide. so guys just make sure you appreciate it cuz one day when you are gone you will regret every mean thing or act of disrespect that you have ever done towards them. i sure love you all! anyways, i got off the plane and it is very humid. it was nice to be greeted by a familiar face (Pres. Clements). i am glad that we got to see him before he left. After that we headed to the mission home and did some orientation then decided to go out street contacting. i told you a little about that early. It was pretty scary. ive always felt comfertable just talking to random people but sharing something as important and sensitive as the gospel with them is a little hard. We then went to the assistants apartment for the night and returned back to mission home in the morning where i met my companion. he is a stud. His name is Elder watkins. He is from California and his family just moved to hawaii so he has to go back there. mom dont get any ideas... :) anyways after i met him there was a couple hundred missionaries outside and one of them ran up to me and gave me a hug and said angie koski says hi. she is such a nice lady!
We made the drive to andover! my new area which im sure you already new. anyways it is a nice area, definatly some ghetto parts but we do okay. yes i got the bike. its so nice! thank you. we are in a car area but i will be biking a lot once i am not sick to save miles. yes mom i am going to the doctor this week just to be careful. haha. So our area has just been white washed. which means both my companion and i are new here meaning we don't know where anything is! and we just got a new ward mission leader. it is the koskis brother! small world in the church :) so basically we had started with absolutely no investigators, and no idea where anything was. basically starting completely from scratch. there hasnt been a baptism here in over a year but we hope to change that! we have already tracted in to a few people and taught a few lessons. so we now have 2 investigators and about 4 that are possibilities. It was crazy the first 2 doors we knocked on gave us their info and said we could come back. i was thinkin to myself this wouldnt be as intimidating and hard as i thought. we then got every single door shut in our face for the next 2 days straight. just about being in the right time at the right place. we will get things moving it will just take some time. funny story, we were talking to this 22 year old girl on her front lawn and her husband pulls up and jumps out of the car and runs over saying you better not be hitting on my girl. he is a body builder. so kinda intimidating. however we left him with a book of mormon and restoration pamphlet and went on our way. hopefully he reads! thats the thing if you can get them to read and sincerely pray about it they will know. another funny story, we tracted into this inactive ladies(sister rutherford) house and she had been taken off the ward list so no one could find her. we found her :) haha anyway we left her our number and she said she would call us later and the next day we got a call. elder watkins answered and then i hear "oh hey is this jeremy?" turns out sister rutherford has a pretty deep voice hahaha. we have a sister who is from grantsville that knew jake howard too. crazy. oh btw HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MOM AND DAD! we have already recieved a few member refferrals as well so things are picking up. i hope to turn this area around.
Im sending my SD card home so be looking for that. i have a little video of a ringtone i thought nate would really like so expect that soon :) let me know when you get that. Im glad you have our address, i dont know if it matters but some of the random mail our apartment gets says Andover as the city. and some say Coon Rapids. we technically live in coon rapids. but its right on the border. so hopefully i still get your mail! keep me updated on nicki and lanes baby. i still want to know how close i am to being an uncle! haha i was very happy to hear mom has been visiting with the mckenna and momma sherri a bunch. i hope you continue to do so! they are so great huh??? told ya. not that you ever doubted or anything. that is way cool about the whole pratt reunion. good call natalie :) haha how is nate doing with school? being president and everything! ahh i miss that boy. haha i miss all of you. dont ever fight because you will regret it when your gone. deal? if you ever have an argument just blame it on me :) haha i hope i get your letters that you have sent soon. they really are so important here!!! its a way i can know that their is still a real world out there haha. i am getting more comfertable talking to people and hopefully im better at teaching! we have a bunch of appointments this week so i will have to let you know how it goes then. its kinda nice to have a little more time to email out here. in the mtc its 30 minutes and it cuts out haha. know that i love all of you so much. mom take comfort in the promise in DC 84:88. the lord is helping me out here. i really do appreciate all you have done for me. oh i forgot to tell you about the apartment! so, we walk in and literally mom would have dropped dead from the sight/smell of the place. it smelt like fungus, and just so so filthy. i guarantee no one had cleaned any of it especially the bathroom in a long, long time. so we get there and we get a knock on the door with a flier that said apartment inspection is in a few days. wow. so we have been deep cleaning that place. it is so nasty. really mom i should have takin pictures. but its clean now. and i have a little video of it on the chip im sending home. did you get those ties off to jake howard? sorry this email has been all over the place i just keep remembering things randomly. know that i am in good hands. we have a really nice ward here. they are taking care of us. and they trust us enough to give us some referals. thats good. i will probably be here for 3 or 4 months. i love you all so much. thanks for all the letters. thank you mckenna and momma sherri for the letters you have sent to me, i miss you so much! but this is going to be so good for me. im definately glad you havent forgotten me! haha i hope to get the letters in the mail soon :) after this im going to send you one. Well until next week!! LOVE YOU!
On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 2:06 PM, Joshua Terry wrote:
P.s family you are the greatest family ever. i love you all more than you can imagine. one of the biggest things my mission has already taught me is how important family is. i regret every argument and all the times we didnt get along. i hope when i get home we can change that. family really is our support system. without you i dont know where i would be in life. when times get tough i just think of the warm loving embrace i will get when i get home and see all the people i love so dearly. i am ever grateful for this gospel. it has changed me spiritually. i am grateful for the knowledge that my heavenly father loves me. and you. i know that god has a plan for us and the only reason i am able to make it out here is the thought that i will be helping people know that they can be with their families forever. that is so important. i am so grateful to know that i can be with you all forever. our savior loves us so much that he has provided a way. never forget that. so be strong, and be true. and know that i am praying for you and love you so much. thank you for all you have all done for me.
P.s.s sorry i forgot to put this in there too. mom, please write matt and corbin and tell them i am so sorry i didnt get to say goodbye. that was so hard. i wish i could have. tell them i love them. give them my address and tell them that they can write me letters. thank you. i love you so much.
I made it to minnesota safe and sound! I cannot explain how many wierd looks i have gotten here. i got off the plane and you wouldve thought i wasnt wearing clothes or something cuz EVERYBODY stares at you. After i talked to you at the airport i got on the plane. seemed to be the longest plane ride ever! i was so excited to go to minnesota but at the same time it was hard to make that step knowing how far im distancing myself from my family and friends. Odd thing is i have never felt closer to you all in my life. So just a quick message to nate and to natalie, DONT TAKE MOM AND DAD FOR GRANTED! I thought i loved and appreciated you before. My respect and love for you has grown so much since i have realized all that you do for us each day. mom with her taking care of us and a spotless house and dad with his selfless service working everyday to provide. so guys just make sure you appreciate it cuz one day when you are gone you will regret every mean thing or act of disrespect that you have ever done towards them. i sure love you all! anyways, i got off the plane and it is very humid. it was nice to be greeted by a familiar face (Pres. Clements). i am glad that we got to see him before he left. After that we headed to the mission home and did some orientation then decided to go out street contacting. i told you a little about that early. It was pretty scary. ive always felt comfertable just talking to random people but sharing something as important and sensitive as the gospel with them is a little hard. We then went to the assistants apartment for the night and returned back to mission home in the morning where i met my companion. he is a stud. His name is Elder watkins. He is from California and his family just moved to hawaii so he has to go back there. mom dont get any ideas... :) anyways after i met him there was a couple hundred missionaries outside and one of them ran up to me and gave me a hug and said angie koski says hi. she is such a nice lady!
We made the drive to andover! my new area which im sure you already new. anyways it is a nice area, definatly some ghetto parts but we do okay. yes i got the bike. its so nice! thank you. we are in a car area but i will be biking a lot once i am not sick to save miles. yes mom i am going to the doctor this week just to be careful. haha. So our area has just been white washed. which means both my companion and i are new here meaning we don't know where anything is! and we just got a new ward mission leader. it is the koskis brother! small world in the church :) so basically we had started with absolutely no investigators, and no idea where anything was. basically starting completely from scratch. there hasnt been a baptism here in over a year but we hope to change that! we have already tracted in to a few people and taught a few lessons. so we now have 2 investigators and about 4 that are possibilities. It was crazy the first 2 doors we knocked on gave us their info and said we could come back. i was thinkin to myself this wouldnt be as intimidating and hard as i thought. we then got every single door shut in our face for the next 2 days straight. just about being in the right time at the right place. we will get things moving it will just take some time. funny story, we were talking to this 22 year old girl on her front lawn and her husband pulls up and jumps out of the car and runs over saying you better not be hitting on my girl. he is a body builder. so kinda intimidating. however we left him with a book of mormon and restoration pamphlet and went on our way. hopefully he reads! thats the thing if you can get them to read and sincerely pray about it they will know. another funny story, we tracted into this inactive ladies(sister rutherford) house and she had been taken off the ward list so no one could find her. we found her :) haha anyway we left her our number and she said she would call us later and the next day we got a call. elder watkins answered and then i hear "oh hey is this jeremy?" turns out sister rutherford has a pretty deep voice hahaha. we have a sister who is from grantsville that knew jake howard too. crazy. oh btw HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MOM AND DAD! we have already recieved a few member refferrals as well so things are picking up. i hope to turn this area around.
Im sending my SD card home so be looking for that. i have a little video of a ringtone i thought nate would really like so expect that soon :) let me know when you get that. Im glad you have our address, i dont know if it matters but some of the random mail our apartment gets says Andover as the city. and some say Coon Rapids. we technically live in coon rapids. but its right on the border. so hopefully i still get your mail! keep me updated on nicki and lanes baby. i still want to know how close i am to being an uncle! haha i was very happy to hear mom has been visiting with the mckenna and momma sherri a bunch. i hope you continue to do so! they are so great huh??? told ya. not that you ever doubted or anything. that is way cool about the whole pratt reunion. good call natalie :) haha how is nate doing with school? being president and everything! ahh i miss that boy. haha i miss all of you. dont ever fight because you will regret it when your gone. deal? if you ever have an argument just blame it on me :) haha i hope i get your letters that you have sent soon. they really are so important here!!! its a way i can know that their is still a real world out there haha. i am getting more comfertable talking to people and hopefully im better at teaching! we have a bunch of appointments this week so i will have to let you know how it goes then. its kinda nice to have a little more time to email out here. in the mtc its 30 minutes and it cuts out haha. know that i love all of you so much. mom take comfort in the promise in DC 84:88. the lord is helping me out here. i really do appreciate all you have done for me. oh i forgot to tell you about the apartment! so, we walk in and literally mom would have dropped dead from the sight/smell of the place. it smelt like fungus, and just so so filthy. i guarantee no one had cleaned any of it especially the bathroom in a long, long time. so we get there and we get a knock on the door with a flier that said apartment inspection is in a few days. wow. so we have been deep cleaning that place. it is so nasty. really mom i should have takin pictures. but its clean now. and i have a little video of it on the chip im sending home. did you get those ties off to jake howard? sorry this email has been all over the place i just keep remembering things randomly. know that i am in good hands. we have a really nice ward here. they are taking care of us. and they trust us enough to give us some referals. thats good. i will probably be here for 3 or 4 months. i love you all so much. thanks for all the letters. thank you mckenna and momma sherri for the letters you have sent to me, i miss you so much! but this is going to be so good for me. im definately glad you havent forgotten me! haha i hope to get the letters in the mail soon :) after this im going to send you one. Well until next week!! LOVE YOU!
On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 2:06 PM, Joshua Terry
P.s family you are the greatest family ever. i love you all more than you can imagine. one of the biggest things my mission has already taught me is how important family is. i regret every argument and all the times we didnt get along. i hope when i get home we can change that. family really is our support system. without you i dont know where i would be in life. when times get tough i just think of the warm loving embrace i will get when i get home and see all the people i love so dearly. i am ever grateful for this gospel. it has changed me spiritually. i am grateful for the knowledge that my heavenly father loves me. and you. i know that god has a plan for us and the only reason i am able to make it out here is the thought that i will be helping people know that they can be with their families forever. that is so important. i am so grateful to know that i can be with you all forever. our savior loves us so much that he has provided a way. never forget that. so be strong, and be true. and know that i am praying for you and love you so much. thank you for all you have all done for me.
P.s.s sorry i forgot to put this in there too. mom, please write matt and corbin and tell them i am so sorry i didnt get to say goodbye. that was so hard. i wish i could have. tell them i love them. give them my address and tell them that they can write me letters. thank you. i love you so much.
Elder Matthew Whittle--Sept. 12, 2011
Matthew ended up with a concussion a week ago playing soccer in the MTC. The goalie accidently kicked him in the back of the head and knocked him unconscious. He was taken to the emergency room and they did a C.A.T. scan and said he would be okay. He said his eyesight is back to normal and is feeling good. Amazing how he can play soccer for 15 years and then end up with a concussion in the MTC. I think they play more like Rugby in there :0
Hola Dad!
Thanks for Garret's adress. I'm so excited for him to come out on a misson. Tell him I love him and am so happy for him. Tell him that God loves him, and is aware of his desicion, as well as his dad. I will write you a letter with all the information since I don't have much time on the computer. Sorry you've been having to work so much. Thanks for working hard for us and always making sure we have enough to survive. Good job fixing the timing belt on the car. That's a fairly big job. My head is fine. No worries the doctor said to just stay out of sports for a week or so, so I just go to the gym with mi companiero and lift weights. Everything is fine. I love it here. Reading in the scriptures all day and bearing testimony of my savior really makes me realize that nothing else matters in the world. I feel like the world doesn't even exist anymore. It will be weird to be out of the MTC, but I'm excited to go find people that the lord has been preparing for me to teach by the power of the Holy Ghost. It's amazing how fast the language is coming. With the help of the spirit we can accomplish all of our goals, and keep reaching higher and higher. Love you. .
-Elder Whittle
Hola mi madre bonita,
Everything is A ok. don't worry about me. My head has no more bump and my headaches are gone so everthings as good as new. I get to see Elder Moore every Sunday and Tuesday at choir. It's so great. He's such a stud. He just got sick the other day so he wasnt able to attend choir yesterday, but I think he'll be just fine. Elder Avery left this morning. I was able to say goodbye to him yesterday so that was good. I like the name Carter Monroe. good choice.. La Idioma es mui bien por mi. It's amazing how much I really know. I still need to get better on the conjugations of verbos, pero esta bien. We teach lessons without any notes in Espanol to our investigadors and it's really neat. We also contact and set up appointments in Espanol and bear testimony throughout the day. for the past week we have been on an english fast. We have not been allowed to speak any english all week. Its a game out teacher has set up for us, and I won because I didn't let myself speak any english all week. If i didn't know a word I would look it up, and I had to explain to everyone that I'm only speaking Espanol hoy. It was really neat. It helped me so much. I hope I get your package, but I don't think I'll get it until wednesday because they're moving the post office to a new location, pero esta bien porque es no importante por salvacion. haha I say that all the time to my district. I will write you a letter today as well. I don't have much time on the computer. Thanks for everything mother. I love you so much. You are my hero. I look forward to hearing from you every week. I could use some more garment bottoms, mesh preferably. I don't know how but I have two extra shirts with no bottoms haha. it's interesting. Tell everyone back home I love them and I'm doing great. I love my savior Jesucristo. Remember that God loves all of us. He loves us so much that he gave the perfect for the imperfect. Stay strong, and always remember to read and pray. Vaya con Dios!
Love Elder Whittle
Hola Dad!
Thanks for Garret's adress. I'm so excited for him to come out on a misson. Tell him I love him and am so happy for him. Tell him that God loves him, and is aware of his desicion, as well as his dad. I will write you a letter with all the information since I don't have much time on the computer. Sorry you've been having to work so much. Thanks for working hard for us and always making sure we have enough to survive. Good job fixing the timing belt on the car. That's a fairly big job. My head is fine. No worries the doctor said to just stay out of sports for a week or so, so I just go to the gym with mi companiero and lift weights. Everything is fine. I love it here. Reading in the scriptures all day and bearing testimony of my savior really makes me realize that nothing else matters in the world. I feel like the world doesn't even exist anymore. It will be weird to be out of the MTC, but I'm excited to go find people that the lord has been preparing for me to teach by the power of the Holy Ghost. It's amazing how fast the language is coming. With the help of the spirit we can accomplish all of our goals, and keep reaching higher and higher. Love you. .
-Elder Whittle
Hola mi madre bonita,
Everything is A ok. don't worry about me. My head has no more bump and my headaches are gone so everthings as good as new. I get to see Elder Moore every Sunday and Tuesday at choir. It's so great. He's such a stud. He just got sick the other day so he wasnt able to attend choir yesterday, but I think he'll be just fine. Elder Avery left this morning. I was able to say goodbye to him yesterday so that was good. I like the name Carter Monroe. good choice.. La Idioma es mui bien por mi. It's amazing how much I really know. I still need to get better on the conjugations of verbos, pero esta bien. We teach lessons without any notes in Espanol to our investigadors and it's really neat. We also contact and set up appointments in Espanol and bear testimony throughout the day. for the past week we have been on an english fast. We have not been allowed to speak any english all week. Its a game out teacher has set up for us, and I won because I didn't let myself speak any english all week. If i didn't know a word I would look it up, and I had to explain to everyone that I'm only speaking Espanol hoy. It was really neat. It helped me so much. I hope I get your package, but I don't think I'll get it until wednesday because they're moving the post office to a new location, pero esta bien porque es no importante por salvacion. haha I say that all the time to my district. I will write you a letter today as well. I don't have much time on the computer. Thanks for everything mother. I love you so much. You are my hero. I look forward to hearing from you every week. I could use some more garment bottoms, mesh preferably. I don't know how but I have two extra shirts with no bottoms haha. it's interesting. Tell everyone back home I love them and I'm doing great. I love my savior Jesucristo. Remember that God loves all of us. He loves us so much that he gave the perfect for the imperfect. Stay strong, and always remember to read and pray. Vaya con Dios!
Love Elder Whittle
Sister Alex Hartvigsen--September 12, 2011
This week has been a good week. On Wednesday we had a lesson with a women at a member's home. We tried to teach her about the Plan of Salvation but all she wanted to do was complain rather than do anything. We talked to her about Agency and how we are responsible for how we react but we don't think that she is really prepared to progress at this time. On Thursday we met witha women and taught the 10 commandments and the Law of Tithing. On Saturday she came to the Visitor's center with the , a family that has been fellowshipping her in an English ward and watched the Joseph Smith Movie. She has been coming to church regularly but won't commit to a baptismal date yet because she doesn't feel like she knows enough. On Friday we had Sister Arias as an exchange leader. It was a really good day. We met with a women and taught her about tithing and fasting and challenged her to pay her tithing and fast offerings so that she can gain a testimony of them as well as enjoy the blessings that Heavenly Father has for her. We then met with a less active women. We talked to her about Heavenly Father and parents are responisble to teach their children. We challenged her to read from the Book of Mormon with her sons even if its just for a little every day. We then met with the a familia in our ward and taught them about the Restoration. They are members but the husband is less active and a little apathetic about religion. He has had several spiritual experience but they have been a while ago. We talked to him about how answers come only after our faith has been tested and challenged them to read and pray together as a family, to invite the Spirit. On Sunday we met with a women and talked to her about the upcoming General Conference as well as the personal progress program that is available for her 13 year old daughter. She wants to come back to church . She wants her son and daughter to be able to have good friends and influences their age. We have invited the YW president to come to our next lesson to introduce them into the YW program. Brenda was concerned that she wouldn't know anyone but right now is the perfect time in our ward because we just combined with an English ward for YW and Primary and so everyone is getting to know each other. It has been a good week and I'm excited for this next week. We have a mission tour coming up on Thursday and Friday where a member of the Seventies is coming and going to talk with us. It should be really good.
I love you all, Have a great week!
Love Hermana Hartvigsen
I love you all, Have a great week!
Love Hermana Hartvigsen
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Elder Moore--Sept. 8,2011
Subject: Boo ya, Two weeks
Well I have officially been in the MTC for two weeks now, and I must say the the weeks are picking up. I have no idea where all the time is going. I am still struggling through my spanish but I know that if I am putting forth my best effort the barrier between me and my investigators will be bridged by the spirit. I cannot stress enough, the need for preparation befor the mission. I thought that I was, doing pretty good from a religous, and doctrinal stand point. But when you get out here you realize that you really don't know as much as you thought that you did. So for all those who may be reading this letter, and are planning on going on a mission. Please heed my counsel and prepare as much as possible, so that when you get out in the field you can be the best missionary possible. Well last week was a pretty good week for me, I really started grasping the spanish language, and there is still so much more to understand. We were able to teach three investigators so far and it can be so frustrating when trying to convey your feeling to them in thier native tounge. But ive had so many great experience already here in the MTC. Meal time here is so great, its just an endless buffet of food. And my favorite DRINKS mostly the chocolate milk, jajaja. We had the oppurtunity of going to the temple this last week and it was so fun going to a temple that i haven't been to before. Also this last week I had the great pleasure of having my best friends visit me. Elder Whittle and Elder Terry, and evern Elder Avery came. It was nice just to see some fimiliar faces and have the chance of talking with them whille here in the MTC.
Elder Terry left this Tuesday and it kinda sucked because I wasn't able to say goodbye. He was busy doing all his packing and it was kinda late in the evening. Im glad that he is able to get out there and do the work now. Elder Whittle and I get to see each other every week in choir practice, and in the choir for tuesday devotionals. I even started sittting with him during those things. So we are able to talk alot, he mostly in Spanish, and I a little bit of both. jajaja. Well sounds like everyone is just continuing their lives. I haven't heard anything from Bernie whats up with that. And I'd like to hear more from Keyton about his high school experiences. Sounds like g's house is coming along slowly but surely. Id like to see how its looking now. Well thank you so much for all your letters. Until next time.
Amor Elder Moore
Well I have officially been in the MTC for two weeks now, and I must say the the weeks are picking up. I have no idea where all the time is going. I am still struggling through my spanish but I know that if I am putting forth my best effort the barrier between me and my investigators will be bridged by the spirit. I cannot stress enough, the need for preparation befor the mission. I thought that I was, doing pretty good from a religous, and doctrinal stand point. But when you get out here you realize that you really don't know as much as you thought that you did. So for all those who may be reading this letter, and are planning on going on a mission. Please heed my counsel and prepare as much as possible, so that when you get out in the field you can be the best missionary possible. Well last week was a pretty good week for me, I really started grasping the spanish language, and there is still so much more to understand. We were able to teach three investigators so far and it can be so frustrating when trying to convey your feeling to them in thier native tounge. But ive had so many great experience already here in the MTC. Meal time here is so great, its just an endless buffet of food. And my favorite DRINKS mostly the chocolate milk, jajaja. We had the oppurtunity of going to the temple this last week and it was so fun going to a temple that i haven't been to before. Also this last week I had the great pleasure of having my best friends visit me. Elder Whittle and Elder Terry, and evern Elder Avery came. It was nice just to see some fimiliar faces and have the chance of talking with them whille here in the MTC.
Elder Terry left this Tuesday and it kinda sucked because I wasn't able to say goodbye. He was busy doing all his packing and it was kinda late in the evening. Im glad that he is able to get out there and do the work now. Elder Whittle and I get to see each other every week in choir practice, and in the choir for tuesday devotionals. I even started sittting with him during those things. So we are able to talk alot, he mostly in Spanish, and I a little bit of both. jajaja. Well sounds like everyone is just continuing their lives. I haven't heard anything from Bernie whats up with that. And I'd like to hear more from Keyton about his high school experiences. Sounds like g's house is coming along slowly but surely. Id like to see how its looking now. Well thank you so much for all your letters. Until next time.
Amor Elder Moore
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Elder Tyler Hartvigsen-- Sept. 6, 2011
Hello Everyone!!
so i didnt know last time i emailed you, but my p-day was moved to tuesday since monday was labor day, and our mission president wanted us to be out finding people. so yesterday my companion and i decided that we would spend the whole day tracting and trying to find people. we had plent of door's slammed in our faces, and alot of people were not very happy we were out on the holiday. towards the end of the day we were a bit discouraged cause we hadn't found anyone yet, and we have been praying to find someone that god has prepared for us to teach. but lo and behold later last night we were out on our bikes and this lady walked by who seemed really sad, so i talked to her for a while, and she told us that she needed a change, and invited to come over to teach her on wednesday. it was a really big answer to prayers. we also rode by a group of kids who were skateboarding, and they kinda were snickering at us, so i went over to talk to them and asked if i could try skating. i think they let me just cause they wanted to see me fall! haha but i dont think they expected me to school them while wearing my Penny Loafers!! they were impressed i guess cause we got their names and they said we could come by another time. it was pretty funny. im getting really used to mission life out here, my ZL's told me i seem to be adjusting better than most. im pretty excited about this new program we have called teaching in chapels, where we take investigators on tours of the church, the spirit is really strong when we do it. we are one of the first missions to test the program so we feel really blessed. they tested the program earlier in california and the mission saw more than a double increase on baptism's!! we have about 6 or 7 people on date for baptism right now. im really excited for it! Mom i did get your package from you and elizabeth, and THANK YOU!!! it helped so much! it was packaged fine and all the food was in tact! you can just send packages and letter's directly to the same address that you have been and you should be golden! the farm looks really great! im jealous.. i am having some serious shooting withdrawls!!! hahah just kidding. anyways im sorry if anyone was worried i didnt email yesterday, but i should be back to monday p-day's from now on! on love everyone and thank you so much for all the support! i hope everyone is enjoying school, and had a good labor day!
I love you!
-Elder Hartvigsen
so i didnt know last time i emailed you, but my p-day was moved to tuesday since monday was labor day, and our mission president wanted us to be out finding people. so yesterday my companion and i decided that we would spend the whole day tracting and trying to find people. we had plent of door's slammed in our faces, and alot of people were not very happy we were out on the holiday. towards the end of the day we were a bit discouraged cause we hadn't found anyone yet, and we have been praying to find someone that god has prepared for us to teach. but lo and behold later last night we were out on our bikes and this lady walked by who seemed really sad, so i talked to her for a while, and she told us that she needed a change, and invited to come over to teach her on wednesday. it was a really big answer to prayers. we also rode by a group of kids who were skateboarding, and they kinda were snickering at us, so i went over to talk to them and asked if i could try skating. i think they let me just cause they wanted to see me fall! haha but i dont think they expected me to school them while wearing my Penny Loafers!! they were impressed i guess cause we got their names and they said we could come by another time. it was pretty funny. im getting really used to mission life out here, my ZL's told me i seem to be adjusting better than most. im pretty excited about this new program we have called teaching in chapels, where we take investigators on tours of the church, the spirit is really strong when we do it. we are one of the first missions to test the program so we feel really blessed. they tested the program earlier in california and the mission saw more than a double increase on baptism's!! we have about 6 or 7 people on date for baptism right now. im really excited for it! Mom i did get your package from you and elizabeth, and THANK YOU!!! it helped so much! it was packaged fine and all the food was in tact! you can just send packages and letter's directly to the same address that you have been and you should be golden! the farm looks really great! im jealous.. i am having some serious shooting withdrawls!!! hahah just kidding. anyways im sorry if anyone was worried i didnt email yesterday, but i should be back to monday p-day's from now on! on love everyone and thank you so much for all the support! i hope everyone is enjoying school, and had a good labor day!
I love you!
-Elder Hartvigsen
Sister Alex Hartvigsen--Sept. 6, 2011
Dear Family, this last week has been really good. On Wednesday we were able to go over to an investigator's home with a member and talk to her about the visiting teaching message for August. We then had dinner with a family whose wife is less active and then went to a trailer part in our area and did some contacting with another member. We talked to a family who is less active and encouraged them to start reading the Book of Mormon again and invited them to come to church that Sunday. On Thursday we had a meeting with one of our investigators and we talked about how the gospel blesses families On Thursday night I was on shift at the Visitors Center when the ward council of one of the English wards I worked in for 4.5 months came in for a tour. After their tour I asked the relief society president about a girl that we had found and taught while we were in the area. She told me that the girl was being baptized on Saturday 3. I was so excited to hear that. I was able to attend the baptism because I was the chorister for the program. It was really cool to be there. The girl was really excited and the Spirit was very strong. On Saturday we met with a less active member and talked about the importance of family prayer to unify families. We were also able to teach a new investigator family. This family has been prepared. They have studied with the missionaries a little before and have been meeting with the Jehovah's witnesses but they don't agree with their doctrines. We taught them about the Restoration of the Gospel. They want to learn more about Joseph Smith and we have an appointment to meet with them at the Visitor's Center this Saturday to watch the Joseph Smith Movie. Yesterday we met with a women and taught her about how the Book of Mormon answers the questions of the soul like what is the purpose of this life? We went over to the home of some members in our area and asked them if we can practice teaching them the lessons. We were able to go to the temple today and that was really nice. I am grateful that we have a temple so close. I am glad that I get to spend at least part of every day on temple grounds because of the visitor's center.
They are going to be starting something really cool in less than a month in Arizona. The Church is doing a huge media blitz of They are going to be running 30 second commercials on the five main television channels for the next several months as well as having billboards and signs on buses for I'm a Mormon. They did this a little while ago in New York City and they had a ton of success. The Purpose of this push is to dispel myths about the church, introduce people to the Gospel and make it easier for members to introduce their friends to the Gospel. I don't know if any of you have had a chance to go check out the website or make a profile on it but it is really cool.
I love you all and hope you have a great week.
Love Hermana Hartvigsen
Jess- Thank you for the letter. Norway sounds like it was a lot of fun. Have a great week.
They are going to be starting something really cool in less than a month in Arizona. The Church is doing a huge media blitz of They are going to be running 30 second commercials on the five main television channels for the next several months as well as having billboards and signs on buses for I'm a Mormon. They did this a little while ago in New York City and they had a ton of success. The Purpose of this push is to dispel myths about the church, introduce people to the Gospel and make it easier for members to introduce their friends to the Gospel. I don't know if any of you have had a chance to go check out the website or make a profile on it but it is really cool.
I love you all and hope you have a great week.
Love Hermana Hartvigsen
Jess- Thank you for the letter. Norway sounds like it was a lot of fun. Have a great week.
Elder Corbin Moore-- Sept. 1, 2011
Well I have officially been in the MTC for a week now, its so crazy how fast time can go when your mind is on the lord work. I have had the opportunity to see Elder Avery a couple times, and Elder Whittle and Elder Terry came and visited me for a little bit. It was so nice to see some familiar faces and get to talk with them for a little bit, they seem to be doing well and are actively engaged in the lords work. I haven't really been able to play soccer while I've been here at the MTC, which is kinda a bummer, no one in my district really likes soccer so we mostly just go to the gimnasio to play volleyball, basketball, or foursquare. Maybe one of these days ill be able to go up to the field and play some futbol. Well we have been teaching this one investigator, about our church and how he could pray. I commited him to leer el libro de mormon( to read the book of mormon) and and pray about it. He said that he would do so, and so where were going to check up on him in our next visit, but last night we found out that we would no longer be teaching that particular investigator. We will be getting two new investigators next week, and teach them el evangelio( the gospel). So i was kinda bummed out, that i wasn't able to talk to Oscar anymore. Well the good thing is there is always someone to teach. I can't really say that ive adjusted well to sleeping here in the MTC. Its so weird, waking up and not seeing my own room. I have to think about where I could possibly be, then I realize that I'm in the MTC. Funny stuff. Well im becoming more familiar with the language since i started her at the MTC. Del don del languas is such a powerful tool, who would have ever thought that I would be able to speak Español to an investigator, within the first week of my mission. Nothing is impossible for two people, if one of those people is the lord. I honestly believe that to be true. My district is full of good missionaries. Out of the 11 of us. Six of us are going to Los Angeles, four elders and two sisters. The rest are going to, Canada, Washington D.C, Peru. and the Mesa Arizona visitors center. So we are all staying in the americas. Well my time is almost up. I will be seeing you guys in one year and 71 weeks, but who´s counting right. Well I love you all, and hope to hear from you guys. Bernie good luck with the football, stick with it and who knows where you could end up in the future. Benien, good luck with the whole high school experience, just make the best of it. Its the best three years to just kick back and have as much fun as possible, while still getting all your work done. Education is key. WOW i cant believe i almost forgot the best thing that has happened this week. Every martes(tuesday) we have a dovational, they haven´t had an apostle come for like three months. So the very first week that im here guess what happens an apostle speaks. It was one of my favorites, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. What an amazing speaker he is. He is so powerful with the way that he talks. He talked about our image as missionaries, and had some pretty, demanding things to say about it. So amazing. Its so great when your have the opportunity to be in the same room as an apostle, the spirit is so strong. Well time is up, until next time.
Amor Elder Moore
Amor Elder Moore
Elder Corbin Moore-- Aug 27, 2011
Well this is my first letter from the MTC. The past few days have been so crazy here. So after i got all my stuff into my room on the first day it was off to class. I walked in and my teacher was only speaking in Spanish, which was very hard because I didn't know any spanish to save my life. So I sat there the first day wondering about, what he could possibly be talking about. It was kinda discouraging, but I'm determined to pick it up as so as possible. My compañero es Elder Boyd, he is from Missouri, and full of so much energy. He took two years of Español in high school, which really helps with trying to learn Español. Well it was my third day in the MTC yesterday and they already had us teach investigators in Español. I can barely tell people about the gospel in English, and they want mi to do it in Español. Its crazy how the spirit just kinda steps in and brings stuff back to your mind. El don de languas( the gift of tounges) is an amazing blessing to have. So yeah we tried to teach our investigator, Oscar. I cant say yo (i) said a lot but yo was able to teach him a little bit, and yo beared my testimonio, and said the closing oración (prayer). But yo did it all en Español. So yeah it was way crazy. I can´t even begin to express how much mi testimonio has grown just by being here a couple days. The gospel is so amazing, and just thinking about teaching familias about it. Im sure you´ve all realized that im speaking in Spanglish. But im supposed to be using as much Español as possible. Well there really isn´t alot mas to say for this week, so until next week. Id love to hear from everyone.
Amor Elder Moore
Amor Elder Moore
Monday, September 5, 2011
Elder Matthew Whittle-- September 5, 2011
La Idioma es mui bien. Yo se que el don de langua es verdadero. Elder Terry and I went and visited Elder Moore last night in his residence, And tonight Elder Avery, Moore, and I are going to say our goodbyes to Elder Terry. Weeks seem like days here, and days seem like weeks. We don't get to go to the temple today because of labor day, so that's kind of a bummer. Elder Moore has a completely different schedule and he's not in the same zone, but I still get to see him here and there. I got your package. Thank you so much. That made my day! Could you send my narsty silk pearl snap. I would like to have that one. I love hearing from you mom. I miss you a lot, and you could never write me too much. I'm sorry you started crying at Khols. I miss going shopping with you too. Those were some great times. I'm glad things are going well back at home. An english preach my gospel might be nice, but I don't have to have one. I'm sure eventually I'll mostly just be using the one en Espanol. So its your call. Elder Terry has been having a rough time with his district so he's glad to be getting out of here. It makes me mad too because the missionaries in his district who have been being very disobedient are going to Carlsbad. It makes me mad that they're not preparing themselves for the people that I already care so much about. I got to see Elder Holland speak last tuesday. It was incredible. He spoke with so much power, and the spirit was so strong. It's amazing how much we are able to feel the spirit here. I love it. My companion is incredible, as well as my district. We obey all the rules, and feel the spirit a lot in our district meetings. I can't believe I'm already almost on week four. We stay so busy teaching two investigators that time goes very quickly. Thanks for being the best mother in the world. I love you. yo se que La Iglesia de JesuCristo es el solo verdadero la iglesia en la tierra. JesuCristo amas todos las personas. Yo se que JesuCristo es mi el Salvador, y ustedes. Tell the family I love them all. Please tell all my friends that I'm praying for them, I love them, and that a mission is the most amazing thing they will get to experience this time of their life.
Love Elder Whittle
La Idioma es mui bien. Yo se que el don de langua es verdadero. Elder Terry and I went and visited Elder Moore last night in his residence, And tonight Elder Avery, Moore, and I are going to say our goodbyes to Elder Terry. Weeks seem like days here, and days seem like weeks. We don't get to go to the temple today because of labor day, so that's kind of a bummer. Elder Moore has a completely different schedule and he's not in the same zone, but I still get to see him here and there. I got your package. Thank you so much. That made my day! Could you send my narsty silk pearl snap. I would like to have that one. I love hearing from you mom. I miss you a lot, and you could never write me too much. I'm sorry you started crying at Khols. I miss going shopping with you too. Those were some great times. I'm glad things are going well back at home. An english preach my gospel might be nice, but I don't have to have one. I'm sure eventually I'll mostly just be using the one en Espanol. So its your call. Elder Terry has been having a rough time with his district so he's glad to be getting out of here. It makes me mad too because the missionaries in his district who have been being very disobedient are going to Carlsbad. It makes me mad that they're not preparing themselves for the people that I already care so much about. I got to see Elder Holland speak last tuesday. It was incredible. He spoke with so much power, and the spirit was so strong. It's amazing how much we are able to feel the spirit here. I love it. My companion is incredible, as well as my district. We obey all the rules, and feel the spirit a lot in our district meetings. I can't believe I'm already almost on week four. We stay so busy teaching two investigators that time goes very quickly. Thanks for being the best mother in the world. I love you. yo se que La Iglesia de JesuCristo es el solo verdadero la iglesia en la tierra. JesuCristo amas todos las personas. Yo se que JesuCristo es mi el Salvador, y ustedes. Tell the family I love them all. Please tell all my friends that I'm praying for them, I love them, and that a mission is the most amazing thing they will get to experience this time of their life.
Love Elder Whittle
Elder Terry-- September 5, 2011
Josh is doing great! He leaves for Minnesota bright and early tomorrow morning. Here's today's letter....written like a giant text! Enjoy!
Hello everyone!
Wow i cant believe that i have already been here another week. time really does go by so fast. except for sundays. thats when i think about the family and close friends the most for some reason. all is going well though! for the most part anyway. I never imagined that my job as district leader would be so hard at the mtc. sadly if i could describe my experience here for the most part would be babysitting. Dad you told me that my biggest dissapointment while being a missionary would be to see those who dont care about the work and are wasting the lords time. i feel like there are a lot of kids in my district that are like that. Ive caught kids with cell phones, stealing, not only stealing but stealing the book of mormon, and doing other things that i dont want to mention but i am just really disappointed in some of the people that come out here and are representing our savior. make sure that all of you who are going out soon dont ever do that! Elder Holland came and spoke to everyone on Tuesday. that was one of the most powerful talks. I knew it was for the kids in my district. His main point was that we dont have the right to disgrace the image of a missionary! Perfect topic for a bunch of punk kids that need to shape up. However i have loved my experience here and my testimony has grown so much! im just excited to get out into the mission field and get started in this work.
it was interesting to me as i was reading the first verse of 1 nephi chapter 1. it says having suffered much Afflictions. the footnote for afflictions is blessings. i thought about that for a minute and it is so true. i know that when we go through the hard times it will just make us stronger and God will bless us for it. thank you everyone for all the letters! it is so nice to here from you out here. And thank you mom, The whittles, and the einfeldts for the packages! so nice of you. This past week everyone is getting pretty sick. my comp. and i got pretty sick a few days ago, personally i think it is from the food here. nothing compared to moms cookin! i sure miss that already. yesterday during our devotional the opening song was two sisters singing 'his hands' that one that mckell and mindy sang. it made me miss jake so much! how is he doing in Argentina? keep me updated. let me know about the ties too. last night i went and hung out with elder whittle and elder moore in his apartment for a little while. it was so nice to get back with the group again. sad that i will be leaving them tomorrow morning but so exciting as well!! Sorry that my letters here are pretty boring. everyday blends together because we are going to class and learning all day. just know that i am loving it. there was a quote i really liked i heard yesterday 'equally as important as what you do to get the spirit, is what you do not to lose it.' that applied very well with our district. Nate make sure you can be the best missionary you can be, never slack off and disrespect the work! i know you wont though, your a stud. sad news, the temple is closed for my last P-day. i wanted to go one more time! hopefully i can go in St. Paul. mom, before i forget i leave at 5 am from here so expect a call between 6 and 8am. i have no idea when it will be. but i am going to go by a calling card today. Cant wait to hear from you! and happy birthday to nate tomorrow! i wish you could come out to minnesota and join me. thank you mckenna and momma sherri for the quick email :) i will be sure to get you my address when i get it!! for the rest of the family i hope you are having a tun of fun out in Park City! miss ya. We will have to go up there again when i get back. mom, i saw that you said you took out all the personal stuff. i decided i realy dont care if people read anything. its ok. haha but thank you! Dad, thats sad about not being able to go up to northern MN in virginia. hopefully they will re-open that before i leave so i will have the chance. when we go back on our trip we should do splits with the missionaries up there. that would be awesome i think. nate, nicki, natalie, lane. i will hopefully get a letter to you off today. but i have to pack up completely so if i cant i will in MN! however i have the next 10 hours to do nothing so i hopefully will be able to find time. one more quote ' when obedience ceases to be an irritant and becomes our quest, in that moment God will endow us with power.' i love that. anyways time is out. I love you all so much. Family i look forward to the call tomorrow!!!
Hello everyone!
Wow i cant believe that i have already been here another week. time really does go by so fast. except for sundays. thats when i think about the family and close friends the most for some reason. all is going well though! for the most part anyway. I never imagined that my job as district leader would be so hard at the mtc. sadly if i could describe my experience here for the most part would be babysitting. Dad you told me that my biggest dissapointment while being a missionary would be to see those who dont care about the work and are wasting the lords time. i feel like there are a lot of kids in my district that are like that. Ive caught kids with cell phones, stealing, not only stealing but stealing the book of mormon, and doing other things that i dont want to mention but i am just really disappointed in some of the people that come out here and are representing our savior. make sure that all of you who are going out soon dont ever do that! Elder Holland came and spoke to everyone on Tuesday. that was one of the most powerful talks. I knew it was for the kids in my district. His main point was that we dont have the right to disgrace the image of a missionary! Perfect topic for a bunch of punk kids that need to shape up. However i have loved my experience here and my testimony has grown so much! im just excited to get out into the mission field and get started in this work.
it was interesting to me as i was reading the first verse of 1 nephi chapter 1. it says having suffered much Afflictions. the footnote for afflictions is blessings. i thought about that for a minute and it is so true. i know that when we go through the hard times it will just make us stronger and God will bless us for it. thank you everyone for all the letters! it is so nice to here from you out here. And thank you mom, The whittles, and the einfeldts for the packages! so nice of you. This past week everyone is getting pretty sick. my comp. and i got pretty sick a few days ago, personally i think it is from the food here. nothing compared to moms cookin! i sure miss that already. yesterday during our devotional the opening song was two sisters singing 'his hands' that one that mckell and mindy sang. it made me miss jake so much! how is he doing in Argentina? keep me updated. let me know about the ties too. last night i went and hung out with elder whittle and elder moore in his apartment for a little while. it was so nice to get back with the group again. sad that i will be leaving them tomorrow morning but so exciting as well!! Sorry that my letters here are pretty boring. everyday blends together because we are going to class and learning all day. just know that i am loving it. there was a quote i really liked i heard yesterday 'equally as important as what you do to get the spirit, is what you do not to lose it.' that applied very well with our district. Nate make sure you can be the best missionary you can be, never slack off and disrespect the work! i know you wont though, your a stud. sad news, the temple is closed for my last P-day. i wanted to go one more time! hopefully i can go in St. Paul. mom, before i forget i leave at 5 am from here so expect a call between 6 and 8am. i have no idea when it will be. but i am going to go by a calling card today. Cant wait to hear from you! and happy birthday to nate tomorrow! i wish you could come out to minnesota and join me. thank you mckenna and momma sherri for the quick email :) i will be sure to get you my address when i get it!! for the rest of the family i hope you are having a tun of fun out in Park City! miss ya. We will have to go up there again when i get back. mom, i saw that you said you took out all the personal stuff. i decided i realy dont care if people read anything. its ok. haha but thank you! Dad, thats sad about not being able to go up to northern MN in virginia. hopefully they will re-open that before i leave so i will have the chance. when we go back on our trip we should do splits with the missionaries up there. that would be awesome i think. nate, nicki, natalie, lane. i will hopefully get a letter to you off today. but i have to pack up completely so if i cant i will in MN! however i have the next 10 hours to do nothing so i hopefully will be able to find time. one more quote ' when obedience ceases to be an irritant and becomes our quest, in that moment God will endow us with power.' i love that. anyways time is out. I love you all so much. Family i look forward to the call tomorrow!!!
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