Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Elder Corbin Moore--Nov 21, 2011

Greetings to all from California. Well this week has been pretty good. They are having me not play sports for two weeks so that my finger can heal a little. Which is a bummer but what can you do. I just stand around and juggle the soccer ball, while everyone else plays sports. At least I have something to do. Well this week in the mission field we have done a lot of work with the Silva Family, they just came to California about 3 weeks ago. Well found out that they had been talking to the missionaries down in Mexico a little, and they want to learn more about the church. They all have baptismal dates, and we are working to have everyone go to chuch. It seems like is the overwhelming problem, down here with the latin culture, because everyone has to work on sundays. So that was our big focus for this past week was to get some people out to church. Two people from the Silva family showed up to church, the mother Gresilda, and one of her daughters Daisy. It was nice to have them come to sacrament meeting, and we have an appointment with them this week, so hopefully we will be able to get them all there. We were hoping that Veronica would also show up for church but she didn't. Elder Conlin and Elder Boyd went by her house on friday, but I wasn't there so im not really sure how that went. I was on exchanges with one of the other companionships in my district. Which was an interesting experience to be able to see missionary work from another perspective. Other than that we have been working with a lot of less active members, trying to get them back in the church.
Well we were challenged by our mission president to try and read the Book of Mormon before the new year is up, and to mark any references to the five things in the Gospel of Christ. So I took up the challenge on November the 9th, and I am currently in the 50th chapter of Alma. Im hoping to be able to finish it, within the next week, and then to begin it in Spanish. I think it would be awesome to have read it in both languages, in a matter of a little less than 2 months. Well hope that everyone is doing good there back home. The spanish is coming along just nicely, and im learning more and more every day. I am part of a new program that the church is implementing. They want the new missionaries ready to train someone in only 12 weeks, that is only two transfers, it should be an interesting task. Well until next week, have fun with all the snow.

Con Amor
Elder Moore

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