Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Elder Matthew Whittle-- February 14, 201

Que honda tontos!

Hijo significa "son" no mas para que sepa:) y para que papa sepa, la palabra hijoles significa como "wow" y sigan adelante es como "keep it up" haha I think I could probably find some chocolate covered gummy bears in 18 months for ya;) haha. So I'm pretty sure all the transactions are correct, but I haven't been using that every other day. They've maybe been like once a week that I've used it. Maybe they just didn't go through for a while.

We haven't been able to teach that family that the J dubs are visiting yet, but this week we have an appointment with them so we'll see how that goes. Last night we had the most incredible miracles. We've been working like crazy for the past month or so, and pretty much all our former investigadors have had problems come up, and we haven't been able to teach them. So we've just been working on trying to find new people. It's been hard, but yesterday we had the impression to go visit a friend of ours in the area. His name is tony and he's borne again christian and he always says hi to us and gives us a bag of his tortillas. So we went up to his house and he was working on putting up his shelves. So we went in and starting helping him with his shelves, and talking a little bit about Jesus Christ, then suddenly he just came out and said I think God's trying to tell me something because I always see you guys around, and he said I want to investigate your church. He said I've heard a lot of crazy things about Mormons but I see you guys out here spreading the word everyday, and I see Jesus in you guys. We talked a little bit about the Book of Mormon and then he told us he's coming to church this weekend with us and he wants a book of mormon and all the materials that we have so that he can investigate and study. He's a stud! It was definitely a tender mercy from the lord, and a big blessing for us. We also found another family last night too, that let us come in and told us that they would like to learn. The lord is really blessing us right now. We just have to keep finding things to sacrifice so that we can show our desire and thanks to the Lord.

Thanks for the package with the CD's. They were super good. You did forget one song;) haha Raise it up from August Rush, but that's ok. Thanks so much for all that you do for me. I so blessed to have such a great family. When I show investigadors the picture of our family, they all think you're like another sister or something Mom. haha. It's pretty funny.

como esta mi hermano? no he escuchado de el por mucho tiempo. A lo mejor esta bien ocupado. Ojala que todo este bien con el. Parece que si. Y como esta megs? esta disfrutando matrimonio todavia? haha Good job on the basement paps. Keep it up. Hecha le ganas! haha. Looks like you're not a big sissy after all;) haha

Pues espero que disfruten el dia de valentina. Les amo todos de ustedes.

Con amor,

EL Elder Whittle

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