Thursday, April 26, 2012

Elder Matthew Whittle-- April 25, 2012

Que Honda Batos! Thanks for the ties. They're are super good. I really like the green and the purple one, and the GPS is awesome. I got it just in time. We just recieved some referrals last week so it helped a lot to be able to find them. Thanks a ton. O man Brandon is really having hip pain? O man that's no good. I really hope that he doesn't have to go through the same thing that I did. It's not very fun at all. I will definitely keep him in my prayers. What kind of pain is he having. I always felt really stiff and it ached really bad in the front of my hips. I still have some of the pain when I play soccer but it doesn't feel stiff anymore. It just gets achey sometimes. I hope that he doesn't have to get surgery. That will be so cool to see Elder Kidd. I love that guy! He's such a stud. Tell him hi for me. Hermana D V's son is serving in Nicaragua. They're an awesome family. You'll definitely have to come down with me sometime so you can meet them. Hermana Del Viarr is learning english right now. She has a goal to learn it before her son gets home. Man sounds like Trude is having some fun experiences haha. That's awesome. I'm so happy for him. Missions are such great experiences. I'm sure he's learning a ton just like I am. Any updates on Elder Terry? Man I miss that guy. Tell him hi for me, and that I love him. So for Mother's day we are allowed to skype. Do you want to do that instead. We're going to our mission leaders house and he probably has the set ups. Can you guys figure out how to do that. If you want we can skype. Just let me know. Either one works for me. I'm not sure the time yet. I don't even know what day it is to be honest :/ haha. I go to the temple in not next tuesday but the one after that. So in two more weeks I believe. It will be the last week of the transfer. We had a really cool miracle this week. One night we had about 5 minutes left until we needed to go home, and we could have probably just headed back to the apartment and we would have gotten home at 9 but we decided to go to the park and try to talk to one more person. Well when we got there there was a lady walking alone around the soccer field. So we went up and talked to her. We asked her how her day was and she said she had just lost her job. She had come out to the park to walk because she just felt like she needed to to calm down. She had a bible in her hand and we asked her about it. She told us that she comes out every morning to the park to walk and read in the bible. We talked a little about how the scriptures help us. Then we shared a scripture from the Book of Mormon with her that she really liked. She then told us how she knew that we were sent by God because she never walks in the park at night, and that God sent us to her to help her. Then she told us that she didn't like the church she was going to because they got mad at her for not being able to come to church on sunday because of work. Then she asked us about or church. We explained how services are on sundays. Then she just said interesante and told us that she's probably going to come to our church, and that she'll probably end up staying with us. She gave us her number and address and told us that we could come by. We're still working on setting up a time with her to teach her the Restoration. It was such a miracle! It's amazing how God prepares people and uses others to answer their prayers. Well everything is going great down here. We're working really hard, and seeing success. I hope Brando is ok, and Paisley too. Tell everyone hi for me! Love ya all. con amor, Elder whittle p.s. De tin marin de do pingue cucara macara ti tera fue yo no fui fue tete pegale pegale que marito fue los moritos de cafe :) (Iney miney miny dos in english)

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