Monday, January 30, 2012

Elder Corbin Moore-- January 29, 2012

Well its been another great week here in LA 6th. I can't believe that January is already over. It feels like we just barely got into the new year. The concept of time is so weird as a missionary. Days seem like weeks, and weeks seem like days. Its just something eveyone needs to experience to grasp what I am talking about. This week has been really interesting. We have been trying to build our teaching pool back up and what not, so we do a lot of tracting. We did a lot of that this week and had some crazy things going on. I never would have thought that I would be walking down some of these streets here. You either have the streets that are like a baseball diamond that have like a billion lights that are so bright. Or you get the other side where the street is just pitch black. All and all it really is a blast. This week we have been talking to a lot of people in the streets, and it seems like a lot of them like to "bash", or i'll get the ocasional person who always asks if I am albino. I just have to laugh to myself and remember all the times I was asked that in school. I never thought that I would be able to say that I have been chased by a dog. I always thought that it was just something that missionaries said. But we had a crazy experience with that, this week. Because there are so many dogs out here in LA.
So we turned down this street, thinking that it went all the way through to the street that we wanted. Turns out that it didn't. So we got off our bikes and walked over to the curb, and tried to figure out why we were there. Then we heard this kid crying. So we started taking to him and gave him a card. And headed back to to our bikes because we were late for our dinner appointment. We started riding away, then the kid said that there was a dog behind us, so we just started pedaling so fast. And this dog was like right behind me just barking and trying to bit me on my bike. So crazy. It brought back memories of driving by the Rodriguez family's house, in Bountiful, on our bikes when I was littler and just trying to go as fast as I could. So that was funny
We have been working a lot with E. this week also. He is so amazing. He showed up to church yesterday. In his suit and one of the ties that I gave him. Wow, he is going to have an important calling in this ward. He was mingling with everyone and just happy and smiling. He knows where true happiness is found.
Well my time is up for this week. I hope that eveyone is having a good time back home. And is keeping busy with work, school, church, sports, music, and all the other things to get caught up in. I would love to here from you all. Sorry I didn't write one of my regular "soap box" messages this week. Jajaja. Have a good one. Thanks

Con Amor Elder Moore


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